Omnicam und TiME Lab: VR vom Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institut

At Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institut I had the chance to test the OmniCam-360 and a social-VR-experience in TiME Lab (Tomorrow’s immersive Media Experience Laboratory). Christian Weißig, Head of Capture & Display Systems at Fraunhofer HHI, gives a basic introduction in this Video (engl.).


The OmniCam developed by Fraunhofer HHI is a series of scalable multi-camera systems with and without mirrors. The production of real time recordings is made possible by a software-based solution developed especially at Fraunhofer HHI in the form of the Real Time Stitching Engine. This software supports all required processes including color matching, warping, stitching and blending. More pictures of the OmniCam you can find here.

But most impressive at Fraunhofer Institute for me: the curved projection screen room of TiME Lab. A huge screen was demoing immersive content in a resolution of 7000 x 2000 realized though the usage of 14 HD projectors. The additional IOSONO wave field synthesizing system provides acoustics, which is as true to reality as possible. A closed alignment of 120 speakers arranged at ear level as well as 15 ceiling speakers and 4 subwoofers create this true sound in the acoustic space. This results in an immersive experience together with colleagues or friends without the need to use a VR goggle like Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift or HTC Vive.

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